Diabetes Measurement How Can I Test Myself For Diabetes Using My Dads Blood Glucose Measurement Thing?
How can i test myself for diabetes using my dads blood glucose measurement thing? - diabetes measurement
I can not see a doctor for the "official" test b / ci can not allow uninsured
and 2, I do not know want my parents to know, because I so much emphasis on what I know, I raise my better than anything you can say,
Do not know So please give me a better alternative exists, then that at all
I just need a rough idea of whether I
If you are going to try. They do in the morning before the eat.Here the numbers ...
Fasting plasma glucose test:
The measurement of the amount of sugar in the blood rapidly after 8 hours or overnight. Normal blood glucose below 100 mg / dl. If your blood is the blood of 100 mg / dl to 125mg/dl then deteriorated to the level of glucose control as a 'pre-diabetes. If your blood sugar is over 125mg/dl, your doctor as patient diagnosis of diabetes. In order to diagnose Confirm that your doctor may repeat the examination of the FPG on any other day. When the level of glucose in the blood of 126mg/dl or higher in two consecutive tests, then in May, if you have diabetes, the level of blood glucose above 200 mg / dl and symptoms of diabetes like increased thirst or hunger, frequent urination, have weight loss, blurred vision, etc., then you can be diagnosed with diabetes mellitus without confirming with the second test.
And you know now>
Wash your hands, are mainly used fingertip, take a test strip and into the machine, a lancet holder, Hahn added, placed on the fingertip, press the shutter button. Press the fingers is formed on the sharp decline of blood, the test strip instead of blood (sucking) is waiting "until the letter appears. If more than 100, talk to your parents. You can help the doctor's bill, but as a diabetic and not under control is much worse than for an invoice.
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